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SuperannuationSignificant Event Notices and Product Updates
Audited Annual Financial Statements
For insurance forms (including claim forms) please call us on 133 464, Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm (AEST/AEDT).
This provides an overview of the financial year, including investment performance, abridged financial statements and any key product or legislative changes made.
These are the financials of the Fund for the financial year.
The legal document that establishes the Fund and sets out the rules governing its operation.
The information about Living Super was prepared on behalf of Diversa Trustees Limited ABN 49 006 421 638, AFSL 235153, RSE L0000635, the Trustee of Living Super (fund), a sub-plan of OneSuper ABN 43 905 581 638 and the issuer of interests in the Fund. Living Super is a product issued out of the Fund. Insurance cover offered by the Fund is provided by MetLife Insurance Limited ABN 75 004 274 882 AFSL 238096. The Unique Superannuation Identifier (USI) for Living Super is 43 905 581 638 019. ING is a business name of ING Bank (Australia) Limited (ABN 24 000 893 292, AFSL 229823) (ING) and is the sponsor of the fund. An investment in the fund is neither a deposit nor liability of ING or any of its related entities and none of them stands behind or guarantees the fund.
Buy-sell spreads and other incidental transaction costs apply to managed investment options. Buy-sell spreads and other transaction costs are retained within the managed investment and are not fees paid to ING or the trustee. The trustee may replace one or more of the underlying investment managers which may affect the fee structure for the investment options. In addition other factors may arise which may cause the fee structure for Living Super to change. Should this occur the trustee may increase the fees for Living Super without your consent by giving 30 days’ notice.
The performance information represents the historical performance of the managed investment options available within Living Super. The Total Return percentages are calculated by measuring the percentage change in the sell price for each managed investment option over the relevant time period up to one year. Returns for periods greater than one year are annualised. The performance calculation is net of investment fees and taxes that are accrued in the calculation of the unit prices, but does not include any fees and taxes that are charged directly to your account.
When choosing your investment within Living Super, you should consider the likely investment return, risk and how long you will be investing your super and remember that past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.