10+ Student and Parent Handbook Templates in PDF | Word

The Student/Parent Handbook has been designed as a resource for basic information that students and parents need to know during the course of the academic school year. Stacked with information about school rules, protocols, and general school information — the Student/Parent Handbook is an important tool. All students and their parents/guardians should study the student handbook accurately as its contents are tying on all students of the school. Have a look at the student and parent handbook templates provided down below and choose the one that best suits your purpose.

10+ Student and Parent Handbook Templates in PDF | Word

1. Student and Parent Handbook Template

student and parent handbook template


File Format

2. School Student and Parent Handbook

school student and parent handbook


File Format

3. High School Student and Parent Handbook

high school student and parent handbook


File Format

4. Elementary Student and Parent Handbook

elementary student and parent handbook


File Format

5. Lower School Student and Parent Handbook

lower school student and parent handbook


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6. Standard Student and Parent Handbook

standard student and parent handbook


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7. Student and Parent Handbook Acknowledgement

student and parent handbook acknowledgement


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8. Independent School Student and Parent Handbook

independent school student and parent handbook


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9. Student and Parent Handbook Example

student and parent handbook example


File Format

10. Student and Parent Philosophy Handbook

student and parent handbook philosophy


File Format

11. Middle School Student and Parent Handbook

middle school student and parent handbook


File Format

What is the purpose of the students’ handbook?

The purpose of the Student Handbook is to present students and their parents/guardians with information about the fundamental rules and general recommendations for attending and receiving an education in the institution.

What is the purpose of a parent handbook?

A precise, helpful parent handbook can act as an agreement between your business and the families you give care for. Your handbook can also assist as a reference guide for parents, assuring that they are aware of certain procedures for payment, holidays, your hours of operation, sick days and much more.

Why Do You Need a Class Handbook?

Have you ever had parents tell you during a conference that they didn’t know their child would fail credit on late assignments or that they required to sign their child’s daily reading log? If you sent home a handbook during the first week of school with knowledge about that policy, you can gently direct the parent to that handbook.

Designing a handbook also makes you think through all of your classroom policies in a consistent way. There’s something about defining your strategies in writing that makes you study them more firmly. Lastly, a class handbook is an actual time-saver when you get a new student. It’s a pleasant way to greet the child and to help him or her feel extra relaxed about your expectations.

What to Include in Your Handbook?

What is the Class Handbook Tips?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a handbook?

A handbook is a tool that should be renewed and developed every year. As a school principal, it is necessary that you keep your student handbook up-to-date. It is also significant to understand that every school is varied. They have different needs and their students have various matters.

What is a student manual?

The Student Manual is the official statement of University procedures and guidance and anticipated standards of student conduct that are relevant to all students. Academic units and administrative offices may have further policies and guidelines that may provide more complete data.

What is the purpose of a student code of conduct?

A student code of conduct assists to build expectations of the students in an appropriate institution. The guidelines in the system of student conduct usually equal the institution’s overall mission and goals. Hence, the guidelines are built to improve student behavior.