Movie Titles Examples & Style Guide | How to Write a Movie Title in an Essay

As a refresher recall that movie titles are italicized when you're using a word processing program such as MS Word. Any longer work like a movie, television series, or book title is italicized. Shorter works like short stories, poems, and articles go in quotes. Episode titles within longer works are put in quotes.

In the following examples correct the formatting of the movie titles.

1) The Shawshank Redemption is perhaps the best adaptation of a Stephen King work.
2) It's a shame that Get Out never won the Oscar for best picture it surely deserved.
3) I can't decide whether to go see Hidden Figures or A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood.

In the following examples make the correct formatting of the titles shown.

4) I've always thought that The Dozens is the funniest episode of Blackish.
5) Do you think that Hamlet or Romeo and Juliet is Shakespeare's greatest play?
6) The poem Peanut Butter Sandwich has always been Kevin's favorite—it's one of the best in Where The Sidewalk Ends.
7) It's not until Chapter 94, A Squeeze of the Hand, that we see how the sailors in Moby-Dick process the whale's spermaceti.
8) Halfway through the article Business Leaders Meet with Mayor and Counsel you can read more about why the town is in need of funding.


Write 3 of your own sentences talking about movies you love or have seen recently, making sure to format the titles properly.

Are movie titles underlined or in quotes?

If writing by hand, the movie title has to be underlined. If the paper is written in the field of journalism, the movie title must be in quotes.

Do you underline or italicize short films?

If writing by hand, the title of a short film needs to be underlined. If writing a paper using a computer, the title must be italicized.

Do you italicize a movie title in an essay?

According to most style guides, a movie title must be italicized. If the essay is written by hand, the title must be underlined.

Are movie titles capitalized?

Movie titles, as well as television and radio shows, are always capitalized. They must be capitalized according to the case capitalization conventions.

Table of Contents

Movie Titles in Papers

When preparing academic papers, or any other forms of writings, sometimes there is a need to write a movie title. Therefore, it is important to know how to write movie titles in papers or any other forms of writing. Therefore, it is important to know how to write a movie title in the correct format in an essay or any other form of writing. Below is information regarding writing movie titles in essays. Topics such as italicizing movie titles, underlining movie titles, quoting movie titles, and punctuating movie titles will be addressed.

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How to Write a Movie Title in an Essay

There are many questions regarding how to write movie titles. Some of the most common questions are: Are movie titles italicized? Do you underline movie titles? Are movie titles placed in quotes? Are film titles italicized? These questions are covered throughout this lesson.

Years ago, when writers would use typewriters to write their essays and formal papers, movie titles had to be underlined. However, with the ubiquity of computers, underlining the movie titles has become obsolete. The only exception is in handwritten papers where people can hardly italicize their handwriting. Therefore, the best-advised practice is to underline film titles when writing a paper by hand.

Today, the most common practice when writing an academic paper containing a movie title is to italicize it. The use of computers for writing has made this practice a common one because writers can easily italicize the titles of movies. Furthermore, it is important to apply the case capitalization conventions when writing movie titles.

According to the case capitalization conventions,